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The Foundry

A community coffee house + events space in Benson
The Foundry
Neighborhood: Benson
Business Type: Community Centers
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(402) 932-3256




Note: this business is no longer operational. This page has been left as a reference.

The Foundry is a unique member of the Benson community, a reflection of the bohemian artistry and caring empathy that make the close-knit neighborhood so unique.

We interviewed Jeff Spiehs, the director of the Omaha Foundry Community, about the non-profit’s mission.

(402) 932-3256

Benson Branch

Benson Branch of the Omaha Public Library
Benson Branch - Omaha Public Library
Neighborhood: Benson
Business Type: Libraries
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Official Website


(402) 444-4846




The Benson Branch of the Omaha Public Library system is a medium-sized, neighborhood branch library. It has a long history in the Benson community, becoming part of the OPL system in 1942. There is ample parking; the book drop off is located in the alley on the south side of the building. The library has 68,032 books in its collection.

Theresa Jehlik is the Benson Branch Manager.

Regular Events Programming

Wednesday and Thursday mornings, 10:30 to 11:15 Toddler/Preschool Story Time

(402) 444-4846

Pizza Shoppe Collective

The events space of the Pizza Shoppe in Benson
Neighborhood: Benson
Business Type: Bars

(402) 884-8680

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Indre Seibutyte

Judy Anghelescu

Matt Ellis

Jessica Kamish

Krista Freimuth