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30 Days to MAHA + 2 More Tickets to Win!

Another free MAHA showcase means another chance to win
Midwest Dilemma
Published on June 20, 2010 : 16 comments

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The MAHA Festival is only a month away, and to prove it, they’re having a FREE 30 Days to MAHA Showcase at the Waiting Room Thursday, June 24!

This is our second recent article about MAHA (we also covered the 60 Days to MAHA Showcase), but unlike sophomore slumpers Turn It Upside Down, Fairweather Johnson, and Caddyshack II, there are good reasons behind our second offering:

  • MAHA is awesome and deserves as much good press as it can get! Anyone who has experienced SXSW in Austin, TX knows how much that festival has raised the profile of the city in the national conscience. Let’s go, Omaha!
  • What can we say, we love talking about local bands, and the 30 Days Showcase has five more good ones (band bio’s and links below, with some new interviews coming soon!)
  • We have 2 more tickets to give away! There, we knew you’d forgive us!


We’re once again giving away two tickets.

To enter:

  1. Make sure you are registered on before you comment. It only takes a second, and we’re going to need the name you register with to notify you!
  2. Comment below: “What’s the last good concert you saw in Omaha?”*
  3. Here’s the twist: you must physically show up to the MAHA Showcase where we’ll announce the winner. We’ll make our announcement in the middle of the evening, not too early, not too late! You must be present to claim your tickets.

Contest ends Thursday June 24th at noon

*note: If you’ve been staying inside a lot recently (like certain web developers we…er, are friends with), you can name your “Omaha dream concert.” Anyone will do. Except the Spin Doctors.

Now before you say, “Why do I have to show up, can’t you just mail them to me?” Uh, it’s a FREE concert. With awesome bands. Show up! We’ll whet your appetite with a list of the bands appearing at the 30 Days to MAHA Showcase. And remember, you can vote for your favorite at the showcase, with the winning earning a spot on the Local Stage at the MAHA Festival!


Midwest Dilemma

Isn’t that a great name for a band? No word yet if their sister band, East Coast Bias, actually exists, but one things for sure: you haven’t seen a band like this before. Featuring a revolving ten person lineup, including a flute, a tuba (!), and an upright bass, and a list of friends and collaborators that stretches to 23, Midwest Dilemma plays music that will go over well in Omaha: there’s a hint of Bright Eyes in the arrangements and the audacity (and even the occasional Godspeed! You Black Emperor sound, if only Godspeed replaced the ever present crescendo with, you know, something else. Like vocals).

Matt Cox Band

The Matt Cox Band plays the kind of bluesy roots music that sounds like its been to there and back again. And in a case of life imitating art, it probably has. Though the band was formed relatively recently, Matt has been touring the country as a musician since 2002. The Phoenix, AZ by way of Shenandoah, IA transplant has become, like so many others, a Benson regular, playing up and down the bars of this city like he was a born and raised Omahan. A CD review would list off the genres Matt Cox so insouciantly slips into. An article promoting a FREE Showcase and giving away FREE tickets? We’ll just say, Mr. Cox is an eclectic, talented man, and you’ll be happier for having seen him play.

Honey & Darling

For a band that meant to be duo, Honey & Darling seem to be growing into their triumvirate nicely. Our own Dave Splash compares them to early 90s outfit The Blake Babies—and who are we to disagree?—but for a reference that might resonate more with younger listeners, think…oh man, this tough, why didn’t you warn us Dave? Maybe Camera Obscura minus the cowboy boots. If that doesn’t resonate, you’ll just have to see them live. An energetic up-and-comer.

Tim Wildsmith

Nashville-native Tim Wildsmith has been performing in Omaha for a few years now, following the formation of his band, The Lost Cause. The bearded-band may wear the facial hair of Portland indie rockers, but Wildsmith is actually known for a brand of music often critically derided: pop. While occasional diversions into alternative and alt-country help to round out the sound, Wildsmith plays an honest, catchy, heartfelt brand of pop that fans of David Gray of the Gin Blossoms—if they have fans anymore—will find appealing.

Landing on the Moon

Landing on the Moon at the Waiting Room: photo by John ShartrandLanding on the Moon at the Waiting Room: photo by John ShartrandFour dudes and a lady making Omaha proud. Their sound blends a little indie with a little classic rock, meaning comparisons from early 80s Richard and Linda Thompson (the male/female vocal thing) to mid career Hold Steady (the piano in the forefront thing) are possible—and probably ultimately flawed—with Lazy-i’s Tim McMahon evening throwing out a Journey reference, and meaning it as a compliment! If good rock music is your thing, Landing on the Moon foots the bill without sounding too…mainstream.

jordyAn writer since 2008, Jordy freely admits he's waiting for his golden parachute "anxiously." He microblogs @jordyclements + macroblogs


StoneBirds says:

June 22, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

StoneBirds's picture

the best concert i went to would have to be The Ablum Leaf and Sea Wolf @ The Waiting Room, althought little brazil did sound awesome last year at the maha festival. I REALLY want to go to the showcase on thursday :)

mike_gw says:

June 22, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

mike_gw's picture

The last good concert I saw in Omaha would have to be the So So Sailors at O’leavers. Classiest band in town at the classiest joint in town. Looking forward to the show.

brendangw says:

June 23, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

brendangw's picture

There have been quite a few great shows in the last month or so, but the Mynabirds CD release at Slowdown was pretty darn fun.

Megan (not verified) says:

June 23, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

Megan 's picture

One of the best shows so far this year was the It’s True CD release show with The Haunted Windchimes. Two great bands at the Waiting Room.

meganheese says:

June 23, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

meganheese's picture

Whoops. :) One of the best shows so far this year was the It’s True CD release show with The Haunted Windchimes. Two great bands at the Waiting Room.

jordy says:

June 23, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

jordy's picture

I was at the It’s True show, it was indeed an awesome night. Thanks for entering!

lani bresler (not verified) says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

lani bresler's picture

I haven’t been to see a show in Omaha since I was in high school, but the last one I saw was Joan Jett and I loved it. It just wasn’t here in Omaha as I have just recently moved here.

Erin B says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

Erin B's picture

Monsters of Folk at Holland Performing Arts Center knocked my socks off last Oct! This ticket was a super great birthday present and I loved every min of the 3 hours they played! And the Holland is a great place, if you are in to seated stuff:) But that would just be my favorite, there are so many good shows in Omaha every week! Thank you for all the entertainment options!

pattibeth says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

pattibeth's picture

The last good concert I went to was Celine Dion! I got to go with a great friend and we had a blast!

StoneBirds says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

StoneBirds's picture

@Erin Browning i’m extremely jealous of you i really wanted to go but it was a weeknight

Nanci Kavich (not verified) says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

Nanci Kavich's picture

The last good concert I saw in Omaha was the Mountain Goats at Slowdown two weeks ago. They blew me away!

Amanda Rucker (not verified) says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

Amanda Rucker's picture

Bon Iver! <3

Amanda Rucker (not verified) says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

Amanda Rucker's picture

Apparently subscribing is not the same as registering. Bon Iver! <3

amrucker says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

amrucker's picture

Whoops. Subscribing is not the same as registering. Bon Iver! <3

Amber (not verified) says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

Amber's picture

The best concert I’ve been to in Omaha would have to be Reel Big Fish. It was amazing! People all ages were out on the lawn skanking together! Left there with soaked clothing!

jordy says:

June 24, 2010 : 14 years 15 weeks ago

jordy's picture

@Amanda I literally could not be more jealous! Bon Iver is on my short list of artists I can’t believe I haven’t seen, and am worried I never will.

@Jake I’m with you on Monsters of Folk, I had tickets lined up but ending up flying that night to visit family. Wish I was there.

See everyone tonight! We’ll by signing up more people and giving away more tickets!