The Weekly Grind and Team Up

What’s the last great thing you did while drinking? Michael Shearer and Bryan Mohr created a radio program. Try beating that.
While it’s true that The Weekly Grind was created two years ago during a long night of scotching at the Dundee Dell with local radio personality Tom Becka, the show has evolved significantly since then. The third original host, Jeff Peterson, eventually left the Grind, which bills itself as "Omaha’s first and only radio show for young professionals," to focus on his family. A former guest, author Wendy Townley, recently joined full time to return the trio to full strength.
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Jordy (and RDQLUS) appeared on The Weekly Grind on November 6, 2010 - Listen to the show!
I, too, appeared as a guest on the show last month along with Steve Gordon of RDQLUS Creative, focusing on how came to be and what our goals are going forward. The Grind staff was relaxed yet well informed, perfectly capturing the unique spirit that makes the age bracket such a force in our progressive business climate: young enough to adapt to change, yet professional enough to reshape the way business is done in Omaha.
That’s why we are so excited to announce our new partnership! Each week, The Weekly Grind will discuss one article live on the air, 10am Saturday mornings on KOIL 1180AM! You can look for links to the mp3 versions of these shows on The Weekly Grind website, through iTunes, or as an embedded media player in the article being discussed (like last week’s discussion of non-profit inCOMMON Community Development). Mp3’s are usually posted the Monday following the show, and we’ll also have links in our bi-weekly newsletter (which doubles as the easiest way to stay connected to!).
The Weekly Grind Radio Show
The Weekly Grind radio hosts hard at workThe Weekly Grind is unique in the Omaha media landscape. Not only was it the first talk show following KOIL’s station reformat, it fills a void here in the metro. As working young professionals, Mike, a Sales Director with AmeriPride, Bryan, a Copywriter for Bozell, and Wendy an author and Assistant Director of Media Relations at UNO, are naturally qualified to discuss the entrepreneurs, political happenings, music, and weekly events that pertain to the demographic.
And, like a few other popular Omaha projects, they’re also trying to answer the eternal question: Why Omaha?
Mike and Bryan, who both hail from North Platte and were brothers in the same fraternity at UNL, share similar goals for The Weekly Grind: to be considered a go-to resource for YPs in Omaha. When we met over beverages at the Homey Inn to discuss the show, both referenced the olde tyme romanticism of the radio, coupled with the flexibility and reach of the podcasts. By bringing on Wendy, a social media expert if ever that phrase meant something, the show is hopefully poised to achieve its goal.
Already Saturday’s #1 streamed program throughout the four state radius of NRG Media, the Grind is proud of the coverage they provided during Omaha’s Daub/Suttle mayoral elections, giving ample time to both candidates (though the presumptive Young Professional candidate, Jim Vokal, rather comically declined to be interviewed).
"It’s been so much fun becoming ingrained in the community," Mike says when asked about his feelings on the show. Bryan follows,"It’s an exciting time to be in Omaha…to be in the mix."
We’re happy to be in the mix, too, and we look forward to The Weekly Grind’s three capable personalities dissecting the best of what we have to offer each week. Will our partnership make for great radio?
Asked for his strongest memory of the medium, Mike is quick to reply: hearing a pitiable ABC news reporter forced to repeat a rapper’s name over and over again following his untimely death: Old. Dirty. Bastard. Yes, these are Young Professionals. The bar has been set high.