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Ann Troe


Susan Thomas (not verified) says:

March 17, 2010 : 14 years 29 weeks ago

Susan Thomas's picture

Ann, So glad you love the Omaha Creative Institute classes that you’ve taken at Hot Shops! We’re going to be taking those classes “on the road” starting in May—places all over the city. Have already done African drumming @ Nomad & fused glass @ Ally Poyner Macchietto. Look for OCI at the Farmer’s Market downtown, Summer Arts Festival, & Village Pointe in September. Check out our website: for March & April schedule.

AnnDbugz says:

March 17, 2010 : 14 years 29 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Hey susan!
Yes I really did love the classes I have taken ;-) THANKS for letting me know of the upcoming schedule!