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Interview with It's True on the Eve of Their Record Release

An interview of It's True with special practice footage
It's True at the Waiting Room
Published on April 29, 2010 : 4 comments

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There’s a free concert in Benson. Happens twice a week, right across from Jake’s.

You stand outside, around 11 o’clock or so, hug the curb, watch the bad moon rise. You listen.

It’s delicate at first, all lilting harmony. But it’s there, bleeding out of the spidered glass of a broken door.

It’s getting louder.

Five shadows tucked into an old shopfront with no shop, shaking off layers of carpet and dust. It’s sound that races out into the night.

It’s getting angry.

It’s growling.

It’s True.


It’s True is an Omaha band formed in 2007, composed of Adam Rammerfeldt (vocals, guitar), Andrew Bailie (guitar, bass), Kyle Harvey (bass, guitar), Karl Houfek (keys), and Matt Arbeiter (drums).

Drawing as much from swing jazz as noise rock, and a lot in between, we joined It’s True at their Benson practice space, better known to locals as Mojopo’s Studio at the intersection of Maple and Military. They were tuning up for their CD Release Concert at The Waiting Room, Friday, April 30th, but were kind enough to say a few words to their Swiss fans (yuck, yuck, inside jokes!) in this comically zany interview, made especially for our viewers:

It’s True is a pretty unique bunch. There aren’t too many bands in Omaha, or in America—or anywhere for that matter—that move as facilely from delicate, drum brushed arrangements to noisy, head nodding, rock numbers. When backed by a wall of keys and atmospheric guitar effects, It’s True is a force to be reckoned with.

We think It’s True latest release has a real shot at mainstream success, but for now, they’ll make their bones with their live show. Front man Adam Rammerfeldt, It’s True’s principal songwriter, is a consummate showman, lending a unpredictable air of improvisation to the band’s act. The whispery vocals of songs like "Let’s Raise Cane" become a private joke in his hands, touched by a knowing smile, a raised eyebrow. The gentle ballad "Take This One From Me" is embellished into an Elvis-Costello-by-way-of-David-Byrne lounge act, teetering between mock sincerity and full blown laughter.

You get the sense that no two performances are alike.

And that’s not to mention the feedback laden, strings-pressed-to-the-amplifier energy the band brings to the jams in their live show.

Seeing It’s True on their knees before their amplifiers, ringing every last bit of blood, sweat, and sound out of their equipment, you almost want to make a cliched reference, some poorly designed "genuflection before the rock gods" thing. Can’t do it. Instead, you urge people to check them out live if they have the chance.

Take in the charisma, the cartoon voices, the crescendo, the crowd. Take it in.

Or try to catch the free concert. Twice a week, or so, Military and Maple.

Just remember to bring an umbrella in case it rains. 

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To purchase It’s True newest release (with free shipping!), visit them at their blog.

jordyAn writer since 2008, Jordy freely admits he's waiting for his golden parachute "anxiously." He microblogs @jordyclements + macroblogs


cpooschke says:

April 30, 2010 : 14 years 23 weeks ago

cpooschke's picture

LOL…and, yes, Jordy - we can TOTALLY hear you (not) laughing. way to keep your composure :)

Trenton T (not verified) says:

April 30, 2010 : 14 years 23 weeks ago

Trenton T's picture

This is actually pretty great.

jordy says:

April 30, 2010 : 14 years 23 weeks ago

jordy's picture

@Trenton It’s better when you’re there in person, I give their live show 3 thumbs up.

@Christy I was star struck and nervous, what can I say haha? But seriously, they’re funny, I can’t laugh??

Jesse (not verified) says:

May 2, 2010 : 14 years 22 weeks ago

Jesse's picture

that was unbelievably beautiful

don’t know about the journalism though
