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National Guard Armory

Neighborhood: Midtown Omaha

(402) 595-2999

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Holiday Inn Omaha Convention Center

Neighborhood: Midtown Omaha
Business Type: Hotels | Resorts

(402) 393-3950

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Olympia Cycle

Neighborhood: Midtown Omaha
Business Type: Bike Shops | Rentals

(402) 554-1940

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Dragon's Lair Comics

Dragon's Lair Comics
Neighborhood: Midtown Omaha
Business Type: Toys + Games
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(402) 399-9141





Dragon's Lair 10% Off 234x60There are few enthusiasts as passionate as those in the comic and gaming community. With almost 35 years at the same location, and a selection that’ll make any collector salivate, Dragon’s Lair Comics has proven themselves a store with a passion equal to their fans.

(402) 399-9141

Memorial Park

Memorial Park
Neighborhood: Midtown Omaha
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You guessed it, Memorial Park is a popular…park (!) located near the Dundee neighborhood of Omaha.

Mem. Park has space to spare – it hosts the annual Bank of the West 4th of July concert, known to attract over 50,000 Omahans for a night of music and fireworks – and in addition to the huge lawn, there are historical monuments, a rose garden with various floral displays (gift of the Omaha Rose Society), and a whole bunch of flapping Stars and Stripes. There’s even a footbridge crossing Dodge so would-be park-goers from the South don’t have to play in traffic.