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According to Right Brain

Two Honk Morning

Turning two honking drivers into a moment for reflection
Two Honk Morning
Published on March 2, 2010 : 21 comments

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It was snowing that morning. Just enough to cover the drive and freshen everything up. After dropping my daughter off at school, I went to go exercise at the gym.

I was stopped at a major intersection in the right turn lane. In our neck of the woods, turning right on red is legal. The road I am wanting to turn on is a 4-laner, and people drive at a good clip even if there is snow. My oh-so-cute red VW New Beetle—complete with a spoiler—had been getting poor traction in the new snow this morning. I am cautious because I know I can’t pull out fast to turn right. Well, I eventually get the right turn arrow and a "HONK!" from behind. The SUV behind me is sending me a message that my oh-so-cute VW Bug could care less about.

I am fish tailing a bit as I get going and make the right turn. I straddle both lanes for a few seconds until I find a little more grip on the road. I see in my rearview mirror that the SUV is bobbin’ and weavin’, trying to figure out which lane to zoom past me in. Thank goodness (!) we don’t have a fender bender. Then, just for good measure I suppose, a second SUV that was behind the first "HONKS!" as it goes by.

Well, I am not popular with SUV’s at 7:15 a.m. on a snowy Friday morning in Omaha…got it.

Honking SUVsHonking SUVsI started to sink to the their level and had a negative vibe going. A certain word came to mind (A-Holes!), and I wondered, "Do they beat up old ladies with canes, too?" Then I thought, "why go there?" I am just starting a new day. I know odds are, with the attitudes they are displaying, the rest of their day will be stressful, full of headaches, and problems.

I decide to send them good vibes—they obviously need it! I also want them to de-stress so they don’t crap on other people AND (drum roll…) to maybe, just MAYBE realize all they did was crap on themselves (but projected it onto me as the intellectual types say).

I must admit I found an ironic pleasure when I caught up with the two SUVs a the next red light. All that fuss and not much gain. I supposed it is safe to assume this red light delay may have decreased my popularity with SUV 1 and SUV 2 a bit more.

At the stop light, I catch myself thinking, "Do I have a car inferiority complex?" That could be a column for some other time!

I pull into the parking lot of the gym and right in front of the door is a single parking space open just for me. As if the universe is saying to me, "Here have a nice day and pass it on." ;-)

Grace, a simple way to give back to our community. We can all give a little more grace. Share your thoughts and connect with me! LOVE to hear from you.

AnnDbugzAnn Troe (@AnnieDoodlebugz) is graphic designer and illustrator.


cpooschke says:

March 3, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

cpooschke's picture

Love your attitude! The world would be a much better place if people would just think about others and be NICE! :)

AnnDbugz says:

March 3, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

THANKS Christy! I was just reading some of your articles last night ;-) Looking forward to getting to know you!

cpooschke says:

March 3, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

cpooschke's picture

same here!

bob (not verified) says:

March 3, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

bob's picture


AnniesDoodlebugz (not verified) says:

March 3, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

AnniesDoodlebugz's picture

Ahhh, no they headed on down the road - Thanks goodness! - Thanks for the comment Bob ;-)

Dad (not verified) says:

March 3, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

Dad's picture

I liks your article. Pay more attention to your language.

AnnDbugz says:

March 3, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Yes Dad, I will watch my language ;-) Thanks for reading!

Wendy (not verified) says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

Wendy's picture

As an SUV owner, I happen to share your sentiments. I have the same reaction as I see many of them suspended on snow banks. Rushing to get to where I ask?

brother (not verified) says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

brother's picture

Ignore dad. Use more ‘language’. Nice article.

Anonymous (not verified) says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

Anonymous's picture

You have a gift! Your article was hilarious! We’ve all been there…

Finch93 says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

Finch93's picture

Oh my goodness Ann! You are awesome! Who in the world doesn’t have an great day when it starts with seeing a RED SLUG BUG? And if I knew I were in the presence of a wonderful Red Slug Bug OWNER…you or Mom for instance…even better! Glad they sped out of your life :D

AnnDbugz says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Wendy! Thanks for providing a comment from an SUV owner - Glad no offense was taken ;-) I do think that deep down I really want a bigger car!

AnnDbugz says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Brother Mark, I whole heartily agree that I need to spice up my language! Nice you are “taking my side” and not Dads ;-)

Jodi Finch (not verified) says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

Jodi Finch's picture

Great article Ann! I could so hear Shawn’s dad making the language comment. :)

Judy Moore (not verified) says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

Judy Moore's picture

Now we have an author in the family—way to go Ann! We also have experienced similar experiences. We just smile back and go on our way.

AnnDbugz says:

March 4, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

THANKS guys ;-) The Dad comment is a good one! Watch for next month’s article….

Debbie (not verified) says:

March 5, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

Debbie's picture

Great article Ann! I always wondered if there was some great prize for reaching the red light first!!!!

AnnDbugz says:

March 5, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

THANKS Debbie for reading and your support ;-) Take care, Ann

Jo Lynch (not verified) says:

March 9, 2010 : 14 years 30 weeks ago

Jo Lynch's picture

WTG, …. Great little article and very indicative of our “rush, rush, rush” mentality these days. Interesting point of view. The little VW that could, comes to mind. :) Keep it up! :)

AnnDbugz says:

March 9, 2010 : 14 years 30 weeks ago

AnnDbugz's picture

Hey Jo!
I love the “little VW that Could” line… can I use that sometime?! Thanks for your feedback, Ann

Brother Mark (not verified) says:

March 15, 2010 : 14 years 29 weeks ago

Brother Mark's picture

Fun article. Congratulations! BTW your other brother made the “ignore Dad” comment. This brother is going to (suck up) side with Dad. ;-)