W. Clarke Swanson Branch
Official Website
(402) 444-4852
Tue - Wed: 10 to 8
Thu - Sat: 10 to 6
Sun - Mon: Closed
Family Story Time, Dad & Me Story Time, Rent a Librarian, Rent a Computer Geek
The W. Clarke Swanson branch of the Omaha Public Library system, commonly known as the Swanson Branch, is a large branch library opened in 1966. There is ample parking; the book drop off is a free standing unit in the lot to the east of the building. The library has 142,534 books in its collection.
Manya Shorr is the Swanson Branch Manager.
Regular Events Programming
Friday, 10:30 – Family Story Time
A fun reading event for children and their parents, stories, finger plays, and activities.
Saturday, 10:30 – Dad & Me Story Time
A special Saturday storytime for dads, grandparents, uncles, older brothers—you get the idea—and their little ones. Swanson is the only branch to offer this program.
Unique to Swanson
Rent a Librarian
A new program, Swanson is one of the only libraries to offer it. Anyone with a library card can book an hour of one-on-one time, for free, with the Adult Reference Librarian. The librarian will be able to help educate patrons on research methods, how to use library databases (like the business databases designed to help businesses save money), how to get the highest quality results from internet searches (Google, Yahoo!, Bing), or how to tackle a “special project.”
Rent a Computer Geek
Another new program, Swanson is one of the only libraries to offer it. Anyone with a library card can book an hour of one-on-one time, for free, with a certified Computer Geek. Don’t be scared of the computer! Whether you own a computer or wish to use one of the library’s, the Computer Geek can start with the basics (like how to use a mouse) or dive in to advanced word processing, internet search, and database/information search techniques.
- Free wi-fi/computer usage
- Periodicals (magazines, newspapers)
- DVD movies
- Audiobooks (books on CD)
- Audio CDs
- eCollection (download videos, eBooks, and iPod compatible MP3 books from home!)
- Pick up/return to any of 12 branches (or search the catalog from your home computer and have books delivered to your local branch!)
- Reciprocal agreements with Lincoln, Council Bluffs, and Ralston Libraries
- Access to virtually any book (suggest a purchase for releases two years old or newer; use an interlibrary loan for older items and pay only shipping)
Kids Section at the Swanson Branch

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(402) 444-4852
John Carlotto (not verified) says:
February 26, 2010 : 15 years 4 weeks ago
Great job Manya!!
Terry Wingate (not verified) says:
February 26, 2010 : 15 years 4 weeks ago
There are so many wonderful things happening at Omaha Public Library - and this is just one of the twelve branches!
morgan says:
February 27, 2010 : 15 years 4 weeks ago
Thanks for coming by John and Terry. We plan on covering all 12 branches. Which one should we visit next? What’s your favorite branch?
Autumn says:
February 27, 2010 : 15 years 4 weeks ago
I love them all. Sorensen always has fun and unusual teen programs, Millard has a very nice computer lab and computer classes, Main has very special collections - like genealogy, Nebraska History, the Foundation Center for grant-seekers. There’s definitely something for everyone!
Anonymous (not verified) says:
July 20, 2014 : 10 years 36 weeks ago
Before I retired, I used to go there for my lunch hour to sit and read in a quiet, calm atmosphere. I love Swanson library. The people there are wonderful and helpful. The ability to find movies and put them on hold and pick them up when they are in is great and it’s one of the few things these days really FREE! I was able to take a free Tai Chi class there too. The library is nostalgic to me and takes me back to being a kid. I’m SO happy the library is available to me!