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Beer and Blog at the Brazen Head Pub

Bloggers helping bloggers over beers
Beer and Blog at the Brazen Head Pub
Published on July 15, 2010 : 1 comment

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Beer and Blog is a national group with a simple mission: bloggers helping bloggers over beers. Omaha recently started up a chapter, and I found the Thursday meeting at the Brazen Head Pub (4:30 to 6:30pm) as welcoming, convivial, and informative as one could hope for (I’ll admit, it’s hard to employ the editorial "we" after meeting so many nice people face to face).

The best part about the Beer and Blog meetups is that you never know who to expect, and the wide cross section of newbies and experts can lead to some pretty spirited discussions. It forces the "pros" to really evaluate the answers they are giving.The only problem with the evening? Out of a room with a Palm Pre, iPhone 4, and Sprint EVO 4g, somehow my shaky Droid Incredible shot with no one looking at the camera is the only evidence of the meetup. Oh well, see you next time! 

In attendance at Beer and Blog:

Leslie Garth: Blogs at Mind Massage, featuring her take on pop culture blog. As she puts it: "These are my observations and insights on life & current events, laced with elegance, feminine perspective, a dry sense of humor and heartfelt sensitivity."

Eric: A recent Sioux City transplant and prospective blogger. He looks up to Gary Vaynerchuk (who doesn’t?), and would probably start blogging about wine.

Andrew Neely
: Blogs at Stark Raving Logic, "Tech News in Plain English," and is also involved with, Benson’s new user submitted, underground radio station

Chad Stansbury : Left his job as a Dir. of IT in the corporate world to develop Scriptito (Latin for to write often—neat!), an online set of tools for authors. He blogs about literature and technology.

Glee: Is quick to note that while she has the same name as the TV show, she came first. She blogs at I Play the Computer Keyboard, "Life, laughter, and everything in between," and is active in the Omaha NightWriters.

Miriam: A prospective novel writer (she’s working on her first book, Dr. Ms. Management: Navigating the Corporate Quagmire), Miriam is considering blogging as one of her characters and is, like Glee, active in the NightWriters.

: A recent graduate from UNO, Andrea is interning with our friends over at Silicon Prairie News (in addition to the Omaha World Herald) and blogs at Overheard in Omaha.

David: An ex-attorney searching for his blogging voice, David’s learning Javascript and considering blogging about the legal profession, medical issues (Aspergers, ADHD), or cell phone technology.

Quote of the night, and a great summary for the event, goes to Andrew:

If you can’t stop bugging people about something, that’s what you should be writing about.

Beer and Blog Meetup in Omaha

jordyAn writer since 2008, Jordy freely admits he's waiting for his golden parachute "anxiously." He microblogs @jordyclements + macroblogs


cpooschke says:

July 18, 2010 : 14 years 31 weeks ago

cpooschke's picture

Cool. I’ll have to make it out there one of these times!

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