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Natasha and Harish Keshwani

Natasha and Harish Keshwani - Owners of Inscribed Roses


Interviewed by on January 28, 2010

Natasha Keshwani is the president of Inscribed Roses, a unique business that writes custom messages on fresh cut flowers. In this interview, she speaks about how much she enjoyed receiving an Inscribed Rose as a present and her decision to bring them to Omaha. Her husband, Harish Kashwani, runs Ideologic LLC, a web design company, and helps Natasha with advertising. They discuss the challenges of marketing their unique product. They mention the Strategic Air and Space Museum, an Ideologic client, Millard West and Walt Disney Elementary, the Hindu Temple of Omaha, and Village Pointe (including the Apple Store, Pier One, and DSW).


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