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Game Face

The dating game. Bring it on, I'm so ready for this!
Game Face
Published on December 9, 2011 : 3 comments

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The dating game.  Bring it on, I’m so ready for this!

Oh yeah, when we were young, limber and played to win, we went all in.  We were there, we were on it and when we had an opening, we were ready.  "Pick me, coach!", our hormones cried out, bless their foolish little endocrinologic nature.  Cheered along by the X and Y, we went long and scored big.  We didn’t care how many times we were blocked, tackled or the ref called foul, we were on a mission to preserve the species and fall in love!  

Wow.  I’m breathless thinking back on those days.  Or, maybe I’m just winded.

I admit it, I’m of a certain age (OACA).  My game day requires more prep and warm up.  Instead of yelling at the coach to put me in, I spend more time in the locker room adjusting my padding and wondering if I my uniform makes my butt look fast (good) or fat (bad).  I am suiting up again because I bought my out my contract.  That’s the expensive path to being a free agent again, but it’s worth it.  Some of you have been there, some were traded, some released but we all share one thing: we’re in that locker room preppin’ for the big game. 

Somehow, the 5:30am workouts and organic oatmeal seemed to be working better before the draft.  I still have all my original equipment but some have lost a knee, thrown an account out.  It’s not going to be easy - we don’t have the endurance we once did, but we have skills baby, skills.  We can spot a sneak play, drive it home and leave the crowd begging for more.  The younger players want us, they know we’ve got an edge and they are hungry for a taste.   Our blood is pumping, we can remember the roar of the crowd and are excited to feel the turf once again.  We won’t be taking it head on, but we’re ready to kick some romance hiney!  We have a strategy, go team, YEAH

Hey, does anyone remember where I left the damn playbook?

MSBHAVLove is more than four legs entangled in a bed.


MSBHAV says:

December 12, 2011 : 13 years 9 weeks ago

MSBHAV's picture

Want more dating, tips and tricks, just ask! Note, some answers might leave a mark!

Anonymous (not verified) says:

December 11, 2011 : 13 years 9 weeks ago

Anonymous's picture

Great article!! Some players are in the game for a career and yet some get cut right away. Some find their fortune and take the trophy and retire at the top of their game, when do you line up when the game begins……..

Montreal (not verified) says:

December 13, 2011 : 13 years 9 weeks ago

Montreal's picture

Good grief, by the time I finished the first paragraph I thought I would have a coronary! Forget the workout and the oatmeal and meet me at the bar with a drink and some popcorn……..all the older team members will be there!

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