Gordon Shumway, The Americas, and Rooftops at O'Leavers
A night of really loud rock at O’Leavers (50th and Saddle Creek), featuring locals Gordon Shumway, The Americas (Santa Rosa, CA), and Rooftops (Bellingham, WA).
Rooftops began the evening, but forgot their bass player. OK that was a cheapshot. But seriously, when’s the last time you saw three guitarists play crazy intricate rock and never miss a note? Listen to them find their groove about 3:35 into the vid. Finest finger tappers this side of the Mississippi; Eddie Van Halen would have had an Eruption x 3 if he ever saw Rooftops play.
Next up The Americas, the kind of band that passes out ear plugs before they go on…literally. Two dudes from California playing LOUD, aggressive music and loving it. O’Leavers had the patio working on this balmy spring day, and The Americas made sure the smokers had something to listen to, as the reverb was literally bleeding through the walls. Shaken, not stirred, sirs, with extra bonus points for loop pedal deployment.
Gordon Shumway closed it out in fine form, playing their final 32 minutes as one epic suite. Not sure what the song is called (titling it Don Quixote Meets Anna Karenina, Odysseus, and Faust for High Tea would get across maybe half of its epicness), but they rocked so darn long that our camera went kaput! 13:30 in: don’t tip over boys, you still have 10 minutes left!
What these wonderful little motion picture boxes don’t show you? Gordon Shumway going all The Who circa ‘67 on everyone and completely tearing apart the stage after their last song. Rawk! Guess you just had to be there…so we’ll see you next time?
If you were there, snarf about it below.
Spicy Tony (not verified) says:
April 8, 2010 : 14 years 47 weeks ago