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Urban Active Fitness

Neighborhood: Central Omaha
Business Type: Gyms | Health Clubs


Urban Active Fitness
14651 Sprague Street
Omaha, NE 68116

(402) 201-2933

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Anonymous (not verified) says:

January 17, 2012 : 13 years 5 weeks ago

Anonymous's picture

Be very careful doing business with Urban Active. They are currently the subject of 2 class action lawsuits. If you go to sign up for a membership they may not show you the full contract on the computer screen (they don’t show you a paper copy before you’re signed and paid). They charge extra fees over the membership. One is a facility fee which is supposed to go towards facility upkeep and buying new equipment. It’s $15.00 twice per year.
They also have a membership cancellation fee of $20.00, which as of 1 year ago, don’t show you and don’t advise you of.
They have had a nasty habit of “declining” to terminate memberships, and continue to bill for the membership. If you do something to stop the payments they turn it over to a collections agency and ruin you credit rating. Better Business Bureau has received almost 700 complaints from their customers with more than 200 still active.
They are bad about checking for broken equipment and I’ve seen some machines broken for 9 months.
Don’t take my word for it, Google “Urban Active complaints” and
go to and search for Urban Active, you’ll get an eyeful.

Amber (not verified) says:

May 17, 2012 : 12 years 39 weeks ago

Amber's picture

I agree. I am currently trying to deal with corporate right now. I have emailed her(saving the emails) and in each email I have asked about cancelling EVERYTHING in which I paid in full for. She has responded to all other questions and has avoided a response for canceling. I am currently doing reasearch…bringing me to this page and will be contacting my attorney if it keeps going this route. I have also had 3 billing mishaps. One for charging my card for my mother training one for charging my moms card for my training and another for charging my card for a strangers membership causing me a negative balance. TOOK 4 weeks about to straighten this out with corporate whom was my last resort. They refunded my 31 dollars after about 3 weeks and I have had to contact corporate on my own for the overdraft charge.

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