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Greenstreet Cycles

The shiny tools of Greenstreet Cycles
Neighborhood: North Downtown | NoDo
Business Type: Bike Shops | Rentals
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Official Website


(402) 505 8002


Mon: 9 to 6
Wed - Sat: 9 to 6
Sun: 11 to 5


Sales, bike repair, bike rentals, pedicabs, group rides


Bicycles are two wheels, a frame, a chain, and a way to get from point A to point B. In this age of carbon-bike-owning, spandex-wearing, power-gel-eating, fitness freaks, we often forget that a bike is a method of transportation.

Welcome to Greenstreet Cycles.

It’s not that Greenstreet doesn’t carry some trick rides. They’ll happily hook you up with something Tour worthy. But Greenstreet is a store for everyone. It’s a celebration of the bicycle and a call to action for the Omaha community:

Ride. More.

As Omaha’s first downtown bike store, Greenstreet Cycles is doing things a little differently. We caught up with them while they were still unpacking, but soon they’ll be offering bike rentals, pedicab rides (park near the Qwest, free ride to the Old Market! Tips only!), and Greensprints (indoor roller races: Friends. Competition. Beer.).

Greenstreet hopes to be an advocate in the bike community, leading group rides, increasing awareness, and helping get “normal people on normal bikes.”

The shop is the vision of owner Ben Swan, manager Sarah Johnson, and service manager/mechanic Andy Pedley (if The Onion had an award for best name/job choice, he’d be right up there with former tennis star Anna Smashnova).

We interviewed Sarah, and she had much to say on her life growing up in Omaha, owning a bike + coffee shop in Colorado, and how Omaha’s changed since she came back. Greenstreet Cycles is deeply committed to serving the bike community in Omaha, and they’re going to do great!

Check out the videos, and tell them what you think!

 Loading Viddler Videos



3 Things to Dig About Omaha

  1. Omaha is a big city that feels like a small town
  2. It’s home!
  3. The food (especially veggie options)

3 Things to Change About Omaha

  1. Getting honked at while riding
  2. Lack of open-mindedness
  3. I can only come up with two negatives!”
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Slowdown Complex
1310 Mike Fahey Street
Omaha, NE 68102

(402) 505 8002


John Henry Müller (not verified) says:

February 16, 2010 : 15 years 2 weeks ago

John Henry Müller's picture

Wow! This is great for the Omaha community.

John Henry Müller

Mike Douglas (not verified) says:

February 16, 2010 : 15 years 2 weeks ago

Mike Douglas's picture

New energy coming to downtown Omaha in less than two weeks! We’re excited to have Greenstreet open its doors!

AChittenden (not verified) says:

February 16, 2010 : 15 years 2 weeks ago

AChittenden's picture

nicely done. i hope to be a customer in the near future! good luck.

Eric Downs (not verified) says:

February 16, 2010 : 15 years 2 weeks ago

Eric Downs's picture

This is super cool I am surprised I am just now hearing about it. Congrats on a great new addition to Omaha!

Caitie Caughey (not verified) says:

February 17, 2010 : 15 years 2 weeks ago

Caitie Caughey's picture

Does this really happen? How does one run into an investor, and then start a bike shop more than a year later? I am flabbergasted!!!! Way to go Sarah, and Way to go investor! (and thank you, because I <3 bikes). So… I’d really love to meet an investor interested in starting a food cooperative (slash local food system) in Omaha that supports local farms/farmers who grow with integrity, and is a place where all people have access to the food (meaning, they can actually afford it). Help! Investor!
Can’t wait to go to the bike shop… woo woo.

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