Aromas Coffeehouse
Official Website
(402) 614-7009
Sun: 8am to 11pm
Mon-Fri: 7am to 11pm
Sat: 8am to 11pm
$ = Cheap, Under $10
If you are in the market for great coffee, fair prices, and pleasant ambiance, then Aromas is the place for you.
The location is ideal for anyone out for the day in the Old Market, and anytime you stop by, you’ll likely bump into someone who works in the neighborhood and relies on Aromas for their caffeine fix. The place is open and airy with plenty of seating, though the comfy couches by the fireplace are surely the premium offerings (that’s if the outside tables don’t suit your fancy). There’s also a full-service bakery, Bickford’s, attached if you need a little more than liquids.
You can bring a laptop to soak up the Wi-Fi, and there’s always various reading materials to dive into. If that doesn’t interest you, try to grab the owner, Jeff, who’s often around, and ask him, “how can I live in Omaha in my early 20s and own and operate a cool coffee shop like you do?” When he tells you his secret, be sure to let us know.
(402) 614-7009
Thomas Isaiah (not verified) says:
March 29, 2013 : 11 years 51 weeks ago
You are doing a great job.
Allow me to make you a nice proposal. I’d like to sell you some Kenyan coffee beans (mild arabica) that’s one of the most sought after coffees globally. It comes straight from the Kenyan highlands to you, so the quality is guaranteed.
If you are interested, or if you know someone who would, please let me know on thomasmisaiah [at] gmail [dot] com