TEDxOmaha: Julian Adair of Adair Dance Academy

Julian Adair is a Director, Choreographer, and owner of Adair Dance Studio. She is the fifth in our series of speaker profiles from TEDxOmaha 2010. To see more speaker interviews, visit our TEDxOmaha Event page. For a chance to win 2 FREE tickets to the SOLD OUT TEDxOmaha conference, visit our Facebook group.
TED’s mission, "ideas worth spreading," is pretty lofty. As a speaker, does this intimidate you? How do you know your idea is worth spreading?
Both intimidating and exciting! Everyone has a story, experience, or insight to share. You never know how something you say or do will impact another. As an artist and educator, I have seen the pebble dropped in the proverbial pond and the ripples that resulted.
One of the things Omaha struggles with is talent retention: keeping the best and brightest working here. Do you think this perception is reality? If so, what can we do about it?
Omaha is full of talent! The perception I have experienced is the one of, "If they are from far away, they must be good." I have seen and worked with artists, companies and organizations from far away and local. There are the great and the mediocre from both near and far. I have had success both locally and out of the area. Omaha has so much to be proud of and we continue to grow new talent.
What do you do? How likely is it for someone to turn their passion into a profession? How necessary?
I am a choreographer/director, performer, dance educator and have always had a passion for the performing arts. I have always encouraged people to find something they are passionate about and find a way to make a living doing it. When people have not just jobs, but careers or callings, they are more driven, more fulfilled and have great impact on others around them. I have always been excited about what I get to do every day. There is no better profession than one that not only sustains you, but nourishes you.