The Holiday Party You Want to go To!
It’s our first annual Christmas party and you’re invited!
Avoid getting a lump of coal this year by attending our December social event! This isn’t your usual networking function, business after hours, or holiday party. The Young Professionals Network (YPN) is putting on yet another FUN and ELECTRIC event sponsored by the Omaha Storm Chasers:
"The Holiday Party You WANT to go To!"
Don’t be a Scrooge! Put on your most festive holiday sweater and join us for Yule Tide Cheer, delectable drink specials, and fun on Wednesday December 8th. Prizes will be given to the "ugliest" sweater. Bring a $10 gift (can be company swag i.e. coozies, pens ,etc.) to participate in the networking white elephant gift exchange. Be sure to arrive by 5:45 to participate in the gift exchange!
The Omaha Storm Chasers will speak about Werner Park and provide information on tickets and package pricing. Elite Entertainment Services will be playing some jolly jingles that will knock your booties off. Gather your friends, family, and co-workers for an event that will be sweet as candy canes! Omaha Photo Booth Company will bring a photo booth for festive photos.
Oh yeah, don’t forget your business cards :)
The YPN is a new group dedicated to helping those under 40 network smarter as well as providing relevant professional education opportunities and community outreach activities. Come enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and meet other young professionals. You do not have to be a member of the Chamber to attend.
Quality Brands (not verified) says:
December 6, 2010 : 14 years 9 weeks ago
This will be a great event to help celebrate the holidays while networking with Young Professionals! Cheers and hope to see you this Wednesday!