WOWT channel 6 of Omaha
Omaha's NBC Television station
Neighborhood: Midtown Omaha
Business Type: Television Stations
WOWT channel 6 of Omaha
3501 Farnam Street
Omaha, NE 68131(402) 346-6666
Is this your business/organization? enhance your listing!
Jerry (not verified) says:
October 18, 2013 : 11 years 21 weeks ago
Why does the local news present some of the same national news bites as the NBC national news? Seems kind of redundant!
Jeanne darc (not verified) says:
July 25, 2015 : 9 years 33 weeks ago
Tell your Sat night news anchor to keep her religiosity off camera and out of my face. Her cohost said something about going to the Farmers Market on Sunday morning and she piped up, ” after church, of course?” BITE ME, lady. Maybe people don’t all go to church on Sunday morning. Maybe some don’t go at all. Some people worship on other days of the weekend, some don’t worship at all. It’s none of her business and your station should object to her insulting any of your viiewers. BAD SHOW. She’s a MORON.
Anonymous (not verified) says:
September 6, 2015 : 9 years 27 weeks ago
And so Jeanne darc are you and it shows in your commentary!