Craig Patterson introduces Dragon’s Lair Comics, a comic and game store that has operated for over 35 years in Omaha, NE. See more videos from Dragon’s Lair Comics and get a special coupon offer at
Wow, Craig looks much the same as he did about twenty years ago when I frequented Dragon’s Lair. Craig doesn’t know this, but previous to finding Dragon’s Lair (I didn’t live in the neighborhood and this was before I could drive), the only comics I read were Transformers, G.I. Joe and the like, Spider Man, etc., whatever could be scored from my local drug store. After finding the Lair, Craig turned me on to all the great comics - Cerebus, The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, etc. I stopped reading comics at about sixteen, selling most of them, but keeping a select few, and a few years back got into comics again. Wish I still lived in Omaha, Dragon’s Lair would be a second home to me now. I stopped back in Omaha a few years ago and unfortunately, Craig wasn’t working that day, otherwise I could have thanked him face to face. So Craig, if you’re reading this, thanks man! And any prospective comics fans, visit the Lair and pay tribute to one of the great classic comic shops anywhere. I’ve got a load of fond memories searching through their back issues filling up the gaps in my collection.
Eric Hoffman (not verified) says:
November 11, 2010 : 14 years 17 weeks ago
Wow, Craig looks much the same as he did about twenty years ago when I frequented Dragon’s Lair. Craig doesn’t know this, but previous to finding Dragon’s Lair (I didn’t live in the neighborhood and this was before I could drive), the only comics I read were Transformers, G.I. Joe and the like, Spider Man, etc., whatever could be scored from my local drug store. After finding the Lair, Craig turned me on to all the great comics - Cerebus, The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, etc. I stopped reading comics at about sixteen, selling most of them, but keeping a select few, and a few years back got into comics again. Wish I still lived in Omaha, Dragon’s Lair would be a second home to me now. I stopped back in Omaha a few years ago and unfortunately, Craig wasn’t working that day, otherwise I could have thanked him face to face. So Craig, if you’re reading this, thanks man! And any prospective comics fans, visit the Lair and pay tribute to one of the great classic comic shops anywhere. I’ve got a load of fond memories searching through their back issues filling up the gaps in my collection.