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Omaha Science Fiction Education Society

Organizers of the annual OSFest Science Fiction Convention
Neighborhood: Midtown Omaha

The Omaha Science Fiction Education Society (OSFES) is an organization for fans of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Our focus is chiefly on the written word (SF novels and short stories), but we also enjoy various media presentations (Sci-Fi TV, films, radio, anime, and comics), games (board, miniature, RPG, CCG, and LARP), costuming (historical, fantasy, media/re-creation, and original), filksinging (original songs and parodies), art (paintings, sketches, and cartoons), and many other areas of the science fiction and fantasy genre (SF/F).

OSFES has a variety of official and unofficial activities. Our official meetings usually take place on the first Thursday of each month, but we also schedule activities at other times according to our interests and what’s happening in the world of fandom. We organize the popular OSFest Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention.


Omaha, NE


Andrew (not verified) says:

June 2, 2013 : 11 years 36 weeks ago

Andrew's picture

Hello, I just published a sci/fi comedy book available on Ebook and Kindle and was looking for it to get reviewed. Is there anyone that would be interested or might be able to direct me to the right person who might be able to help me out? Thanks!

We want your writing

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