Price: It's Free (sweet!)
We all have a lot of domains. Some we want to keep, some we don’t. Instead of putting those unwanted domains into the teaming muck of expired domains, why don’t we first find out if someone else could use them? One man’s
potential Web 2.0 Social Networking site is another man’s…Web 2.0 Social Networking site.
BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! The point is, someone else may be able to take that currently parked or dormant domain and turn it into something more.
1.) Come with a list of domains that you are willing to
trade, or
give away.
2.) Domains can be swapped, given, or sold. It’s up to the two people making the deal. We are in no way responsible for any transactions occurring at this event.
3.) Be prepared to hear how your Web 2.0 Social Networking darling of an idea (and domain name) might be more appropriate as…well see the note below.